I was pretty nervous seeing the voltage that low, and then my heart dropped when FDRS crashed roughly 2.5 hours in. I immediately purchased a 75 amp power supply with an adjustable voltage setting. After some research, I determined that I wanted to keep the LVB at 13.8v (AGM float), so I hooked everything up, initially started with the power supply set to 13.8v, and then took multimeter measurements from the jump points, LVB terminals, and also checking in FDRS. I landed on running the power supply at 14.1v, which is shown in FDRS as 13.6v, but I get a perfect 13.8v reading from my multimeter at the terminals of the LVB. Maybe a bit of an over index, but I never want to deal with that again.FWIW I also did the IPMA update with two Clore 2320's and it was a nail-biter for the entire 2.5 hours as the voltage hovered around 9.1-9.8V the whole time. Never again.