
Recent content by Timeless Epoch

  1. Great Deals on 2024 Lightnings

    I was going to wait for the next generation of battery before dipping my feet into the EV pool, but the deals were just too good to pass. Really happy with the truck and glad I didn't wait. My dealer had 12 on the lot, which came in handy when they tried to low ball my trade. "Look, my truck...
  2. Use 360 cameras for security.

    I think Ford could pull it off, if they were so inclined. Cost: They already have a Premium Connectivity Service that could cover the connectivity costs. No need to give it away. I bet the renewal rate for their Premium Connectivity is rather low. Something like this could give it a huge kick...
  3. Heating - Temperature Adjustment

    My 2012 Lariat and 2017 Platinum F150 were always rock solid with the Auto Temp setting. I pretty much them both on 70 all year and it took care of everything. I did notice on cold days, my Lightening it always seems to blow cold (like AC cold, not just unheated) out of the dash vents for the...
  4. Parameters

    If you have to go looking for problems with a microscope, do you really have any? Its possible, but you are probably more likely to find false positives or temporary conditions that are reasonable. $.02
  5. FordPass app on iPhone in error

    I’ve found the latest few builds to be rather buggy. - The charge history seems to be complete fiction. - My L2 charger and the app disagree on the charging power by about 800 watts. - Sometimes the charging details in the Energy tab, disappears completely. - Received a notification recently...
  6. FordPass 5.15.0 iOS & Android App - new service screen

    I think this is new. My Ford Pass tile now changes to green when charging.
  7. Blue Cruise one-time purchase help needed

    When I got into my truck today, it had a message that it had applied an update. When I clicked the details, it was the same ECG update it applied last week. Not sure if it’s related or coincidence. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Blue Cruise one-time purchase help needed

    I got that yesterday as well. My Platinum came with (as part of the MSRP, not free) a 3 year subscription. When I look at connected services, all looks fine. But like you, I got that message that leads to nowhere.
  9. What Features Do You Want to See In Next Gen Lightning?

    edit: just realized I responded to an old post. Not sure if it’s still relevant. 🤷‍♂️ I have this.
  10. Winter Range Extender - would you do this?

    I don't think OP is talking about a generator, but a diesel heater that ties in with the coolant system. So no engine or real maintenance to perform. These have been around a long time. They do not combust the fuel they burn it (from an emissions standpoint, its a big difference) and they are...
  11. Ford Power Promise Qmerit Install- 4 month wait and counting...

    I wonder if you threw a big enough fit, if you could return the FCSP and still get the $1000 credit? Unless you are doing home integration, its overkill on the 24’s anyway. You cold probably get a 50a EVSE installed for close to that for a straightforward install.
  12. ECG- - Gateway Module

    I was wondering about 10.0.1 myself. I assumed the updates inclusive of all prior updates, not accumulative, but maybe not. I have an iPhone, so I can’t help you with that question. I can tell you Apple Maps is working well as far as integration with SOC and instrument panel navigation cues.
