Thanks for all the info so far. Interested to hear more reviews about snow/ice performance as I'm considering these all year round instead of swapping to Blizzaks every winter.
Pricing has been quite the rollercoaster ride on these things since launch. Back close to the original pre-order cost sans some features compared to my early 22' build XLT SR.
No harm in leaving it plugged in after it completes your charge.
I plug in daily as I get home from work, have a scheduled charge time for off peak hours discount(11pm-7am), cap at 80% charge, and use scheduled departure times for a comfy cab and preconditioned battery.
"- I dont want to switch between all seasons, and snow tires, I want 1 tire year round... seems like big hassle to swap twice a year."
Seems like you need all terrain that is winter rated. Or drive on winters year round...(not ideal)
I run 2 sets and the swap in winter is quick and easy.
22' XLT SR 22k km on odometer. Zero issues up until last week.
Last Friday I got the service vehicle soon error and went into limp mode. Turned it off and on and nothing since. Anyone seen the code once and not return? Wondering if I should bring into the dealer and have them look at it...