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Search results

  1. 2023 ordering date Open 8/9/22 - Scheduling 9/1

    The problem there is marketing. Now, admittedly I’m not exactly a marketing expert but as I see it the Chevy Silverado EV is still advertised below $40k and I doubt that will change for at least another year (They need to get examples into consumer hands and have some positive reactions from...
  2. Thread for people who haven’t got their Lightning yet to be grumpy in

    That’s my plan if I get invited to convert before they or another dealer nearby get a mannequin, but I wanted to test drive a Lightning if possible for a true sense of what I’m getting, so I’m willing to wait until something happens. And that seriously sucks. I still stand by my statement. I...
  3. Thread for people who haven’t got their Lightning yet to be grumpy in

    I realize that now, and I haven’t been complaining about it until that post. I wasn’t a Ford guy before and didn’t know how the process worked, nor how to take advantage of it. I’ve been waiting for my dealership (Perry Ford in San Luis Obispo) to get a mannequin so I can test drive it and...
  4. Thread for people who haven’t got their Lightning yet to be grumpy in

    I reserved 5/21 and haven’t heard a peep from Ford yet. Now I’m watching guys who reserved *MONTHS* AFTER me get build dates and deliveries while also watching interest rates rise, prices rise, and tax credits dry up. Seriously, if any Ford execs see this…. Your ordering process SUCKS.
  5. Train ride to SoCal

    Precisely Scheduled to Reduce staffing…. By making the job so absolutely unbearable that everybody quits and in response the inevitable service meltdown (currently underway now) the federal government lets them cut train crew size to one person. And that’s why the railroad is holding your truck...
  6. Train ride to SoCal

    Two yards in San Diego for auto trains. One in South Bay at the docks (Although I’m pretty sure this one is just where they load up cars coming off the ships), and the other one is by Petco Park. The one by Petco is smaller, but I think it’s where they unload cars coming in before they send...
  7. California Deliveries

    A month from blend to delivery? On a California truck? Holy cow that’s Lightning fast! I think the previous best I saw was six weeks from built to delivery.
  8. From Full Charge to 0%! Ford F-150 Lightning 70-MPH Highway Range Test [OutofSpec Kyle]

    Hit zero range at about 250 miles with about 5 kWh in the battery. HVAC Cut off but he kept driving to about 260 miles, slowly losing power. At about 2 kWh in the battery the truck stopped. He put it in park, turned it off, turned it back on, and it wouldn’t even shift out of Park.
  9. How easy would it be to steal a Lightning?

    You clearly didn’t understand my comment then, which I’ll grant might not have been written out as clearly as I could have done. *I’m not suggesting that thieves will crawl under your truck with a hacksaw and cut the battery out. I mean, I’m sure at some point some idiot will try it but it...
  10. How easy would it be to steal a Lightning?

    I don’t think common car thieves will target the Lightning because they will be rare vehicles that don’t have much interchangeable with anything else on the road (The only thing really shared with current F-150s is the interior; The frame, suspension, and sheetmetal is different)…. Generally...
  11. POLL: New to ford? New to full size trucks?

    36 here as well, also new to Ford and Full-sized trucks (if I follow through when they invite me to order).
  12. POLL: New to ford? New to full size trucks?

    So this is my primary concern with the Lightning. My parents had a Ford Taurus Station wagon when I was a kid and that was my only real experience with Ford, I’ve driven large trucks plenty of times in my life (My Mother-in-law has a 2001 F-150 King Cab I’ve driven a few times, work has Ram...
  13. F-150 Lightning will be one and done stopgap in Ford's EV plans

    Been lurking for about a year, decided to register and post finally because I’m almost hoping a Ford exec sees this. I’m only here BECAUSE this is an F-150 that happens to be electric. That’s what appeals to me. I’m willing to rush into the purchase before I think I’m ready to drop $50k-$60k...
