I can just imagine the scams: You get a text:
"Hi, valued customer, this is your [local service center]. We need to do a [recall/x mile...
Source study:
Above is European data, no analysis of Make of EV to compare
It is known that Tesla has higher accident rates...
Since at least last week, I get an error on FordPass app when attempting to instruct my FCSP to "derate" (well, more "uprate") from 60 amps back to 80 amps. See pic. (Before you ask, it's on a 100 amp breaker. Yes, 60 A is adequate for most of my needs. Before I derated it to test that specific...
Ford filed a patent application for “smart charge scheduling” for a fleet of electric vehicles “considering grid demand.” Ford’s application details a system to control charging of multiple EVs “arriving at, and departing from, different charging stations at different times.”