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  1. Key Not Found, while truck is running

    Has anyone had this happen? Today I went to the garage started the truck and went to lunch. Before I left the garage the truck warned me that the key was not found. I've gotten this message before and just ignore it. When we get to the restaurant I let wife and MIL out, and put the truck in...
  2. Screw connector inside FCSP

    I had to move my charger from one house to another. One of the screws that connect the wiring to the charge station had the head rounded by either me removing it, or the electrician when he installed it. Regardless I used an easy out to get it lose, and now I need a new one. Anyone have any...
  3. Moving, and taking FCSP with me

    Right now I have my FCSP installed in my garage, the wire runs through the ceiling, along the wall and into the charger. When I move I'm taking the FCSP with me, and want to know what would be the correct way to leave the end of the electrical wire?
  4. Who knew?

    This is a little article with EV factoids. First EV was built in 1891? https://qz.com/emails/quartz-obsession/1851559614/ev-charging-waiting-on-the-watt
  5. @Ford

    I have a question. When the @Ford person(s) chime in on a thread when someone has a problem with their truck. What happens? Do you get better response from the dealer, or a call from Ford? He/She/It chimes in a lot, but I don't think that I've ever seen anyone reply how they helped find a...
