
Search results

  1. Install Blue Cruise?

    I received this email today. Is this one of Ford's "our servers accidentally puked out an old message" accidental emails or is this an update for BlueCruise 1.2? The message header address does reference the Lightning.
  2. Printed Lightning Owners Manual Now Available

    For those who are into such things, a printed, hard copy of owner's manual for the 2022 Lightning is available at Helm, Inc for $40 +shipping.. Select the "Lightning Owners Manual" option. This will be the kind of professional manual that used to come with all vehicles. 400+ pages...
  3. Driving and Charging the Lightning at -40F\-40C. A Real World Test.

    Long Post: Last winter I conducted a worse case cold weather range test of my Mach E at -35F. https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/35f-37c-real-world-mach-e-range-test-what-could-go-wrong.11669/ When the temperatures here in Fairbanks hit -40F this week, I couldn't contain myself - another...
  4. Even Tesla prefers Ford vehicles

  5. Can someone take a picture of the back of the 12v battery cover?

    I think the clips on the back side of my 12v battery cover in the frunk may be broken. Mine has three clips at the bottom that attach the cover to the plastic bulkhead in the frunk, but there are no clips at the top, so it rattles on rough roads. I didn't notice it during delivery inspection a...
  6. EV road rally to the Arctic Ocean underway

    The 4 day road rally from Fairbanks to the Arctic Ocean started yesterday. Seekins Ford offered their Lightning XLT SR for the adventure. Includes many other EVs, including Hummer, Rivian S and T models, and a number of Teslas. You can follow along here https://www.arcticroadrally.com/updates
  7. EV Road Rally to the Arctic Ocean

    My dealer is using their demo in a 1000 mile Arctic Road Rally. Unlike TFL's Deadhorse trip, the sponsors will be establishing a network of temporary EV chargers to support the drivers. https://alaskaroadrally.com/ My Lightning will be staying in the parking lot at the starting Line waving...
  8. GM's interesting solution to flipping

    I didn't see anything about this on the forum, unless it's buried in a thread, but GM is looking at making their warranties non-transferrable if high demand vehicles are resold within a certain timeline. According to one of the business sites: " GM North America President Steve Carlisle has...
  9. Lightning FDRS Update

    Yesterday, I updated my Lightning with the only software listed on the update page. It was for the OBCC module. I checked again today and found an update available for the Gateway Module. Anyone know what the GWM update is for? It took a long time to download. Wouldn't think the tire...
  10. TFL made it to Fairbanks

    Ran by our sole DC Fast Charger and who should be there:
  11. Alaska's First Customer Delivery - Right on Schedule

    Res 19 May 21 Order 6 Jan Build Week 23 May Shipped 13 June Estimated Delivery 12-18 July Actual Delivery 16 July Miles on Odometer 3,865 (Just kidding, actually 24) The important question: Did it beat the TFL Northern Lightning team to Fairbanks? I want to meet them at Fairbanks sole...
  12. High Speed, Level 2 Public Charging Coming to North America

    Nice to see some public, 19.2 kw, level 2 chargers coming to North America. https://www.flo.com/press-releases-2/flo-brings-its-fastest-level-2-ev-charger-to-the-united-states-and-canada/
  13. Less expensive, code-approved way to add Lightning's home backup power capability

    Background: I live in an extreme (cold) climate and several years ago, while on vacation, the house sustained over $20,000 in water damage when a severe winter storm caused a multi-day power outage along with frozen and burst pipes. The result of that unpleasant experience was the decision to...
