
Search results

  1. Virginia OBDLink CX - OBD2 BLE adapter

    Selling a lightly used OBDLink CX OBD2 BLE adapter. This is great for checking a lot of different aspects of your truck's status (such as your charging speed!) using an app like CarScanner or Torque. It is also compatible with ABetterRoutePlanner and will calibrate ABRP's estimate to your...
  2. Virginia 80A TeslaTap J1772 adapter

    Selling a lightly used 80A TeslaTap J1772 adapter. This will let you use a Tesla UMC or HPWC to charge your truck up to its maximum 80A. I used this on a few trips to charge with my Tesla UMC and a couple different adapters. Works great. $200 shipped to the lower 48.
  3. Charged next to a Nikola this weekend

    Last Friday morning I stopped to charge at the Sheetz in Bedford, PA on my way to western NY. When I came back from breakfast I found this semi next to me with a familiar logo on the mudflaps. The driver was sitting in the cab and started to get out as I unplugged and went to pull away. He...
  4. Bed Rug for frunk?

    I've yet to actually install the bed rug that recently arrived, but it seems like a good product that can doubles for both "clean" cargo like furniture and luggage, and dirty stuff lie car parts, building supplies, and things for the yard. I didn't see an option to buy a frunk liner though so I...
  5. Notes from Jim Farley on moving to EVs

    This article has some interesting comments from Farley on Ford's shift to EVs. Some of it is not new, but some is. I'm not sure all of it will pan out like he says though: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/31/ford-ceo-farley-outlined-plans-for-automakers-electric-vehicle-shift.html “We have an...
  6. How is BlueCruise for you?

    I took my first long-ish trip in the Lightning this weekend along I-66 and I-81. There are some hills and some gentle curves, but overall particularly challenging. I've taken my Model S on this route 4 or 5 times. I-81 is especially truck heavy and the lanes are well marked and maintained in...
  7. Some observations about ABRP (A Better Routeplanner) use in the Lightning

    I took a ~5 hour trip yesterday up to the mountains in SW VA. I mostly used ABRP via Android Auto, and I had it pull the truck's battery info from the OBD2 port using an OBDLink CX adapter. It worked well enough, and in some cases better than I thought. Here are a few things about it: It...
  8. What are you spending your Ford Pass points on?

    I noticed I received 22,000 Ford Pass points from buying the truck. All the info I can find on Ford's website is to talk to my dealer about redeeming them. I get that I'll need to do that, but I'm not sure what 22,000 points means in dollars. Anyone have a conversion? I've seen some people...
  9. What do you keep in your sub-frunk?

    I find the "secret" compartment in the frunk to be a good place to put things that you'll want to keep in the truck, but are not used that frequently and don't fit well in the main cabin's storage areas. Right now I keep: - Portable EVSE (I use a gen2 Tesla UMC with several adapters) -...
  10. How do you charge for a trip?

    This seems like an easy problem to fix, but I'm not sure I've got it figured out. I am planning to leave on a trip at a certain time tomorrow and want to charge to 100%. My plan was to use one of the departure time windows set to a time a little before I want to leave, and then set a one-time...
  11. Filter "What's New?"

    Is there a way to filter out some forums from the "What's New" view? I'm not really all that interested in ordering/delivery threads, and there are a lot of them (one for each build week) to scroll around.
  12. Navigation showing km instead of miles?

    I know there are a few settings that let you change the distance/temperature/pressure measurements from metric to imperial, but all of mine are set to imperial (miles/Fahrenheit/psi). Still, the navigation shows in kilometers and meters. When I search for a destination it shows how far it is...
  13. Anyone mod their front light bar?

    I am not sure why Ford chose the color plastic they did for the front light bar, but I think it's kind of ugly. It doesn't seem to match or coordinate well with any of the body colors, and it is especially strange looking on a white truck. Are there any solutions to change the color to...
  14. Ford Electric Supervan

    I have a thing for small, boxy vehicles and unlikely heroes, so seeing a racecar built in the likeness of a Transit Connect van really tickled me. After I stopped gawking at the looks of it, I was then most interested in the notes they made about the "Ford Pro" features such as tracking the...
  15. 2022 Lightning EPA highway + city range / efficiency numbers posted

    Sucks about the highway range, but good for city driving. Charts from https://insideevs.com/news/584918/ford-f150-lightning-epa-range-efficiency/
  16. Chargers coming soon?

    I've used Plugshare for a while and it's pretty useful for finding both L2 and DCFCs, but it's kind of disheartening to look for DCFCs with 120kw+ plugs and find almost nothing coming soon on the eastern seaboard. Electrify America's "and our future" map is incredibly low res and has no date...
  17. Anyone use a home electrical monitor like Sense?

    I'm planning to hook up my truck to the house via a transfer switch, and I'd like to get some more insight as to the circuits I should consider selecting as candidates. I'm also curious what my actual power consumption is for certain appliances like my microwave, furnace, media center, lights...
  18. Anyone thinking of swapping in a Platinum grill?

    The truck looks pretty good, but IMO even the grill that comes on the Lariat looks cheap. Matte black plastic has always screamed base model to me. It's what you got when you didn't option up enough to get body colored trim. I know the kids aren't cool with chrome anymore, but the gloss black...
  19. Sorry About That! message

    Is anyone else getting this persistent error message? I recieved my "time to order" email last Thursday, but when I log in to complete my order, the system is unable to do anything. I first get this when reviewing my reservations/orders: Then I get this when I click View & Confirm Order...
  20. No powered running boards for Lightning?

    While checking out the build configurator yesterday I noticed that all trucks are only offered with fixed running boards. I noticed one person on the big order thread asked their dealer to add them to the order manually which is what I might do. Or are they somehow not compatible with the...
