
Search results

  1. Looking for a cheap and good solution to prevent items from sliding in the bed

    I know the Bedrugs rugs keep items from sliding in the bed, but I am hoping to spend less than $168. I have a Line-x spray in and it doesn't have to look nice because the bed is covered anyways. I am looking for something that will prevent grocery bags, other stuff, from sliding back and forth...
  2. How do I determine my truck's Curb Weight?

    Everyone says "look in the manual". Well, it's not in the manual. The owner's manual and the Towing Guide are generic, not vehicle/option specific. Do I need to go on a catscale or is there an easier way to get that number?
  3. If you installed Window Deflectors on your 2021 SCREW and you like them - please join this thread

    I am looking to install window deflectors, but they have to be the type that goes inside the window channel. I don't want anything that goes outside with tape. 1. Do you like them, or regret installing them? 2. What kind/model/manufacturer did you buy? 3. Do they interfere with the window...
  4. Uneven tire pressure in wheels

    Anyone else have the pressure in one/two wheels, or one side of the car, higher than the other wheels/other side? For me, the front left tire is always higher (when hot, when pressure increases while driving) than the other three. Next one is Rear Left, and then the two on the passenger's side...
  5. Rear dashcam cable routing

    I have a 2-channel Viofo. Main camera was a no brainer, I used a mirror plug, quick and easy, no need to run anything behind trims and pannels. I started setting up my rear camera, took the rear door seal off and wanted to simply tuck the USB cable in the ceiling, but then I saw the airbag/s...
  6. How do I get rid of this (app) within Android Auto?

    I was listening to TuneIn Radio through Android Auto and now I can't get rid of it. I re-booted my phone several times, I Closed the App on the phone (even though I did not start it after re-booting), but no matter what I do I cannot get rid of it in Android Auto. Any idea?
  7. Not impressed with SYNC4.

    After two days and a 1000 miles bringing the new truck home I can say that there is definitely no 'wow' in me in regards to the SYNC system. First of all - in my older vehicle I was able to do a (Radio, FM) Channel Refresh. It would scan the channels it receives and then a list of channels...
  8. SOLVED: For the life of me, I cannot program my HomeLink to open my garage door.

    Have a newer Genie (3 years old) garage door opener, a newer remote. I tried everything, mulitple times. With the remote and from the opener itself. Just, won't, work. Any suggestions?
  9. Pardon my ignorance - what is a (class IV) Trailer Hitch?

    When a truck built/spec says (Included) "Class IV Trailer Hitch", what does it actually include? Is it just the receiver or also the ball? Thanks.
  10. Yes....asking about Tonneau cover (another one). But I know what I want, so it should be easier

    I want a hard cover, the 3-part folding style. I do not want, or prefer not to have one that requires drain tubes. My daughter's boyfriend has the Extand Solid Fold 2.0 on his 2017 and I like it. It looks solid, he says no water issues whatsoever and the bed does not boil in the summer. It is a...
  11. Cat Converter Anti-theft for 2021

    Hello, Has anyone found an anti-theft for 2021 cat converter? Cat theft is on the rise, will be interested in protecting my property when it's delivered. Thanks.
  12. Can the Partitioned Lockable Fold-Flat Storage be installed by the dealer?

    So I got my truck ordered. Well, kind of, I suppose. Was negotiating with a very large "Southern State" dealership, one that also has an inhouse huge mod center (will refrain from naming the dealer, but I am sure most of you can figure it out). Agreed on a price, sent him my build spec, talked...
  13. Is it possible to add Interior Work Surface at a later time?

    Well, everything is possible :) , but can it be done? Does Ford sell it as a stand alone accessory and what's the process? Thanks.
