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  1. Ford Box Link Bed Rails and Cross Bars

    Check this out: Swagman PICKUP Fork Mount Bike Rack https://a.co/d/0sEM2WX I just bought it so canā€™t give you first hand review yet.
  2. Issues with Ford Charge Station Pro setup.

    Interesting. I still canā€™t get it. Iā€™ll try turning off 5g.
  3. 180 Mile Real World Winter Range - Lariat ER

    A 90% charge is 175 miles for me.
  4. Looking for back seat cover for dogs

    are these easy remove?
  5. 80 amp pro charger wiring requirements

    2 gauge just barely fit if you box mount it, should def run conduit.
  6. CarPlay Issues

    A none stop problem. Only thing that works is restarting the car. Drive me crazy.
  7. Pro Charger Wifi Help

    Iā€™ve tried all these tricks, I saw the broadcast briefly on first setup. Cannot get it broadcast again and other option is not working.
  8. Alternative 80amp Chargers?

    I have the same broadcast issue. No solution?
  9. Keep the Lightning or R1T?

    Personally after my R1T test drive. I thought for sure Iā€™d sell the ford. Now with the lighting I love that honestly most people donā€™t notice it. Also the interior space is huge in Lighting something Iā€™ve grown to really enjoy. Iā€™m also not the adventure driver, more of work truck driver.
  10. Frunk at work

    Iā€™d have to measure again but roughly 18ā€. You can see the gasket, thatā€™s basically your max height.
  11. Sad Day, our great new Lightning is physically a bad fit for garage ... (dumb dumb dumb)

    OPs garage looks deeper than mine, I swapped with my wife so Iā€™m on the far side now so itā€™s not a huge obstacle.
  12. Does the Lightnings Battery Qualify for Battery tax Credit

    The text in the ira define storage thatā€™s primary use is not for transportation. (A) IN GENERAL.ā€”The term ā€˜energy storage technologyā€™ meansā€” ā€˜ā€˜(i) property (other than property primarily used in the transportation of goods or individuals and not for the production of electricity) which...
  13. Frunk at work

    Yea the dewalt Tstak system. Smaller that tough system but more drawer options.
  14. Can Ford mitigate tow range anxiety with a loaner program?

    BMW offered it for i3s, I never used it.
  15. Active shutters - are they open all the time or closed ?

    I had the exact same question todayā€¦ wondered if it was an highway or speed aero thing.
  16. Frunk at work

    Not quite big enough for all my needs. Iā€™ll prob add the decked system in the bed.
  17. Which Floor Mats?

    Do they fit?
