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  1. ✅ 5/30 Lightning Build Week Group

    Initially, 7/24-7/30. Then 8/8-8/14.
  2. ✅ 5/30 Lightning Build Week Group

    I took delivery in AZ today. 6/2 blend. I never did see one in the wild out in the Phoenix area.
  3. ✅ 5/30 Lightning Build Week Group

    Built email came this morning. Tracker still shows in production. 6/2 blend 6/14 in production 7/24-7/30 delivery
  4. ✅ 5/30 Lightning Build Week Group

    My Ford Pass was reset due to a master reset in the vehicle. I lost access to seeing the truck parked in a lot. 🥺
  5. ✅ 5/30 Lightning Build Week Group

    Mine was activated yesterday and moved to the same lot from the proving ground.
