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  1. New Jersey Antimatter blue pro $54,000

    What is the door-sticker towing capacity for this one?
  2. Ford needs a 7 passanger SUV EV STAT!

    Ford. Please, if you’re reading this. Bring back the Excursion. Base it off the Lightning. Keep the 10k towing capacity, make it a 7/8 seater. Nobody else has a full size Suburban sized EV SUV. Please!
  3. FRUNK failure issue will not close or open w/ "Frunk Malfunction See Manual" message

    My 8 year old son asked to do that when we test drove one last week... I told him when I own a truck, I'll let him try getting in the frunk. Not on a dealership mannequin! :D
  4. New tax credit to be voted on soon!

    If lawmakers really wanted adoption instead of sales, they’d allow the tax credit for used vehicles.
  5. New tax credit to be voted on soon!

    I'm not sure I understand why people owing 7500 in taxes is considered a high amount. If you're considering buying a new EV, I'd wager most folks in that market make at least $54k in taxable income. My thoughts are I despise paying taxes, and buying an EV means I pay less in taxes. Gives me...
  6. Post-purchase Battery Upgrade?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to salvage an ER battery and swap it in a SR truck? I know there probably aren't many part-out Lightnings at this point, but I wonder if it is technically possible, the time and cost to do the swap, and if the electronics will just handle it or if they'll need...
