Ford. Please, if you’re reading this. Bring back the Excursion. Base it off the Lightning. Keep the 10k towing capacity, make it a 7/8 seater. Nobody else has a full size Suburban sized EV SUV. Please!
My 8 year old son asked to do that when we test drove one last week... I told him when I own a truck, I'll let him try getting in the frunk. Not on a dealership mannequin! :D
I'm not sure I understand why people owing 7500 in taxes is considered a high amount. If you're considering buying a new EV, I'd wager most folks in that market make at least $54k in taxable income.
My thoughts are I despise paying taxes, and buying an EV means I pay less in taxes. Gives me...
Does anyone know if it is possible to salvage an ER battery and swap it in a SR truck? I know there probably aren't many part-out Lightnings at this point, but I wonder if it is technically possible, the time and cost to do the swap, and if the electronics will just handle it or if they'll need...