
Search results

  1. Range keeps getting better

    I always charge to 100% , this is a standard range battery.
  2. Wild mileage jump when charging

    With 25000 on my truck the DTE gets better , I always charge to 100% .
  3. Electric motor said ‘bye’

    The hole in the motor was mine, I just got my truck back after 6 weeks in the dealership to replace a charging module, it would only charge on level 3.
  4. Any ideas, charger stopped working?

    Does your truck charge at other level 2 locations?
  5. Lack of OTA Updates...Am I the Only One?

    I purchased my truck on 6-8-23 , I have not received any updates.
  6. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    I agree. If Ford wants our continued support they need to take care of us.
  7. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    I received a call from Ford today, ford is paying 100% for my rental and $250 a month for gas. I'm very satisfied with the decision ford made. Thank all of you for your answers.
  8. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    Thank you. I have a case open with the BEV team.
  9. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    Also my truck was in the shop for 3 weeks right after delivery for a front motor replacement. I think it's time for a law suit..
  10. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    I'm really tired of dealing with this s.... with Ford. No loaner , no eta on parts, they just don't give a sh....t
  11. My lightning has been in the shop for 3 weeks.

    my truck won't charge on level 2 only on level 3. The dealer said that there is a bad module. Ford does not have a replacement module and no eta on getting one. No loaner truck. Ford said they will pay $40.00 a day for a rental but to rent a f150 is $71.00 a day. I asked them to buy it back or...
  12. 10 K Refund.

    Yes I did.
  13. 10 K Refund.

    June 14th 2023.
  14. 10 K Refund.

    I received a check from Ford. It's always no if you don't ask.
  15. 10 K Refund.

    I received a check from Ford. It's always no if you don't ask.
