Same problem here. after installing the app. There was no sign-up button only login. Then I went back to the email and started clicking everything that would let me, then I was able to get to a sign-up page.
On the fence, but I only paid around $40,000 after tax credits and I was one of the few that was able to buy a PRO. So far so good. I'm thinking of the 8year/100,00 warranty is where I might bail. Heck there might be better deals at that time. but for now I feel that I bought right and I'm using...
A2Z just sent me an apology letter stating that they were testing their site and in doing so sent out emails to everyone on the list stating that the cords could be ordered. The cords are made and they are testing on different vehicles to make sure they are safe.
correct it would be way more complicated for nacs. I was just suggesting ccs for the passenger side. solves the supercharger blocking spaces dilemma. maybe you could just permanently mount the Tesla adapter to the ccs port behind the passenger charge port door.
wouldn't need all that to get CCS on the passenger side dummy door, just the ccs connector and a couple large orange wires connected to the ones on the drivers side. The truck would never know where the power was coming from as long as you didn't try to use both at the same time.