
Search results

  1. UnderCover Ultra Flex

    yes. And two year later the cover is in great condition.
  2. Lightning Owner Drives a Cybertruck

    I should make a video on this! 1) Walking up to the car, Tesla recognizes me 100% of the time. Lightning, about 80%. 2) Updates....do I need to explain? In fact, I can update the Tesla from the App. 3) Screen takes 8-10 seconds to load. Tesla's in instant. 4) Holy cow the UI and UX. Do I need...
  3. Lightning Owner Drives a Cybertruck

    100% agree. My wife has had a Tesla for two months now, and the Tesla's software is FAR AND AWAY better in experience and functionality than Ford's. In fact, if my Lightning did not have Apple's CarPlay I would get rid of it. But I have to say, I enjoy driving my Lightning better, simply...
  4. Ford Software Requests for 2024

    Priority Changes… 1) Take FordPass and throw it away. Steal 10 Tesla programmers and copy their App competed and just rebrand it as Ford, including Sentry Mode. Call it Shield Mode. Whatever. 2) Then go through the other important things on this thread and implement most of them immediately.
  5. Power-Up OTA 6.8.0 - Smart Changes: Center Screen

    What I've learned from this thread? Ford's seven computer engineers either suck a$$ or they are overwhelmed and are busy trying to put out fires. Either way @Ford Motor Company, get your friggen act together and put together a competent technology team. Having forum posters try to figure out...
  6. California Sold: Used Charge Station Pro in San Diego (Encinitas) in Very Good Condition $200

    It works great and it is in very good condition: $200. I don't have the box, but have all the parts and screws. I am selling it for a low price because I don't want to haggle and don't want the hassle of shipping it. (I loved the charger but my wife just got a Tesla and we replaced it with a...
  7. Ford Charger Pro Station not charging my wife's tesla

    I would love any updates or help with this. - I have a CSP that works great with my Lightning. - Buying a Tesla Model Y for my partner. 1. How do we charge both vehicles without Mickey mousing anything? I’d prefer to get an adapter, does one exist? 2. If not, what’s the cheapest most...
  8. Buyer Beware- avoid Lightning- Powertrain Malfunction off lot

    Yeah, I am just playing with OP. I hope it works out for him.
  9. F150 Lightning Extended Warranty from Ford Protect at $50 Over Cost!

    I live in California, but go out to Chicago to my cousins for work every so often and partially live there? Can I use their address to buy the coverage online?
  10. Buyer Beware- avoid Lightning- Powertrain Malfunction off lot

    I've driven my 2022 for 6,582 miles and it's been amazing so far, but because of this thread I am going to take it back and return it because my lightning can't be trusted. /s
  11. DISCOUNTED Extended Warranty in California

    I am going to try this. I'll put in a different state online on Granger and see if my local dealer will match it.
  12. California Extended Warranty

    I don't have anyone out of state that I can use. Is there a difference solution?
  13. Priority Update: 23-PU0306-BCF-DET

    I’ve tried everything. Not charging. Charging. Shutting off headlights completely. Wifi. No Wifi. Moving all keys significantly away from vehicle. PAAK disabled. Charge below 50%. Charge above 50%. Nothing. Doors locked. Mine is on failure 17. Weird. Every other update has installed...
  14. FordPass Suggestions

    That's a great idea! I will add it to the list.
  15. FordPass Suggestions

    Awesome suggestions. I added that to the list in my first post. Also, I will use that verbal feedback feature for Ford. Thanks!
  16. FordPass Suggestions

    1) Add a Dark Mode to the app. 2) Control Windows 3) Seat and steering wheel heating/cooling 4) Walk-Away Lock enabled 5) Select a destination on the App and send it to the vehicle (Let's make this a thread and add yours so @Ford Motor Company can implement these in the near future.)
  17. Anyone else notice the leather seats in Lariat trim wear poorly?

    HAHA. And I have way too many other things to do. I'll take it to service and have them do it.
  18. FordPass Completely dead for at least an hour+

    Yes, it happened to us all. Thankfully it is fixed, but I think @Ford needs to hire 10 world class computer engineers, pay them, and then make sure there is a DARK MODE on the App. I mean that should take 10 minutes for any decent computer programmer to add to FordPass and add it to the next update.
