
Search results

  1. Meetup/Rally at King of the Hammers - Electrified Only – Free!

    I know that there are a few production companies that have permission to use drones. I'm pretty sure our video crew is one that has permission and they will capture the event. However, per the Bureau of Land Management, no drones are allowed to be flown throughout KOH week.
  2. Meetup/Rally at King of the Hammers - Electrified Only – Free!

    Hello! I'm new to the forum but not new to the EV world. I am part of a team putting on a one day off the grid event for electrified vehicles (EV, HEV, PHEV etc.) in Johnson Valley, CA. Participants are coming from all over the US. Meet Automotive celebrities, manufacturers, racers and...
  3. Introductions & Welcome Thread 👋

    Hi. I'm new! Looking to order a new Lightning to add to the fleet. Looks like a great place to learn. Also. im with a group that is putting on an EV event that is perfect for Lightnings. Its totally free and getting national signups. Can I post it in the general forum?
