
Search results

  1. DIY: Installing ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) and LKA (Lane Keep Alert) to 2022 F-150 Lightning XLT

    Another success to report here! Wrapped everything up last night with the help of this and some other threads around the internet, although this was obviously the most helpful. Thanks to everyone who put in the time and effort! I’ll try and include some helpful notes I found along the way First...
  2. Connected Services start date for mannequins

    Same happened to me with my truck. Actually I’m still waiting on the sale to register too. Haven’t seen points or my ford warranty on my acount either cause the recall from the wiper motor has to take place first they claim. Warranty date will always be when the mannequin was first activated...
  3. Ford's EV Tax form?

    My dealer sent me a blank copy of the form he had just downloaded. It doesn't change the Mach-E, but it does drop the Escape to $55K. Shouldn't matter for the Lightning though.
