
Search results

  1. 12v outlet in truck bed

    You probably already have your answer, but perhaps consider a 12V fan powered off a direct connection to a PV panel mounted to the roof of the cap. You could get even more sophisticated and put a small AGM battery and charge controller in the circuit as well. I used something similar for a...
  2. Unable to charge v4 Superchargers

    Interesting point. Didn't think of that but a specifically recall noting "hmm, this magic dock adapter looks exactly like mine!"
  3. Unable to charge v4 Superchargers

    I had issues at two V4 stations during a Thanksgiving road trip. Both showed as available to non-tesla, but both gave the same symptoms when using the magic dock; nerfing to ~25 kw after less than 10 minutes. In one instance I was able to switch stalls and the issue went away, on the second...
  4. ChargePoint HomeFlex HARDWIRED 80amps

    +1 for this. I installed the Emporia at a family members house. It's been rock solid thus far, and I even installed the Emporia Vue system to monitor individual circuit loads in the house. The real time data is great to have. Was able to diagnose a faulty water heater with the load data last...
  5. Installed FCSP, Generator Inlet, MTS, Subpanel, Conduit, and my entire body hurts.

    Obligatory "should have put it in EMT". Clean install. Now get some PV interconnected and you'll be able to shove solar generated electrons into the truck.
  6. ConnectDER EV Meter Socket Adapter

    This is true. when they own PV, they can't build it fast enough. when a customer wants to bundle a solar farm, good luck and here's a $1M bill to upgrade the substation
  7. ConnectDER EV Meter Socket Adapter

    Fun fact. This hardware originated as a way to interconnect PV systems without ripping up the existing service. The 'DER' part stands for Distributed Energy Resource, aka, PV. Sad fact. Most utilities hate solar and have strict prohibitions about allowing any customer owned "equipment"...
  8. First time charging at Tesla V4 Supercharger

    Anyone have trouble with the truck nerfing to 25 kw on a v4 supercharger? I'm in the middle of an 800mile road trip and the first two V4 sites I've used wound up ramping back down to ~25 kw after 15 minutes or so. No errors or obvious problems with the hardware. Iver used plenty of V3s and...
  9. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    Sometimes I hate that I know more than the dealers do about my truck. My Dealer screwed up my 360 camera with the latest parking sensor CSP. I sent them detailed info on how to correct it, and they basically ignored me. The Service Manager even suggested I was asking them to rollback the...
  10. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    That has something to do with the Sync system not properly booting. I know the phenomenon you're referring to, but as you discovered it's very difficult to describe to others. It's like the sound just decides to change tone and come out of a different port.
  11. Ford Charge Station Pro vs. Tesla Universal Wall Connector

    Looks like they are selling between $400 to $900 when filtering for 'sold' units on eBay.
  12. Ford Charge Station Pro vs. Tesla Universal Wall Connector

    Will forever ragret not selling my CSP and instead installing the Tesla unit. Smaller, sleeker, more universal, better in every way.
  13. Ford Charge Station Pro vs. Tesla Universal Wall Connector

    I recall reading rumors that there was a previous version of the Tesla Wall Connector that could output 80A. Is that remotely true, or did the shrooms just kick in?
  14. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    Thanks for confirming I'm not crazy. I was in VT this past weekend, and during the 30 degree morning the heat was barely seeping out of the vents in 'auto' mode with the interior cabin cold (didn't matter whether it was auto-1, -2, or -3). It goes back to the dealer on Wednesday to fix the...
  15. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    Do you know if these module updates are SOP when dealers perform the Parking Sensor recall?
  16. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    Thanks for the feedback, but I'm nearly 100% certain I remember the fan speed ramping up/down with drastic changes in the temperature setpoint when in "Auto" mode. Certainly enough that you can hear the difference. Now it doesn't do that.
  17. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    I can manually adjust the fan speed and it responds as expected. When in Auto, no change
  18. Auto Mode for A/C not working correctly

    Was there a resolution to this? After my Parking Sensor recall last week, the "auto" setting in the HVAC controls does not ramp the fan up or down regardless of any setting. The air temp coming out of the vents certainly changes, but the fan just stays on low even if it's 30 degrees out and I...
  19. Using 240v For Brewing Beer

    IIRC the storage and documentation requirements had you showing where each ounce went. Where, how, and how much was stored, and what it was used in. Plus they could audit you at any time. Not worth the risk of having Feds crawling all over my property.
  20. Using 240v For Brewing Beer

    You can get a Federal license to make ethanol. I went part way down the road, but the requirements are way too onerous.
