Just happened to me a few days ago. It went back to order on 10/8, then back to built on 10/9 then shipped on 10/10. The shipped date listed was 10/8
Well - My order status, which had moved back to Order Confirmed, just went back to Built.
I had hoped today would have showed Shipped like others had experienced after their order status went back to Order Confirmed from Built.
Has anyone had this happen?
I just sow that my order status has been reversed to Order Confirm. Others who have had this occur said the next day it showed shipped. I hope that Is the case with my order!!
Glad to see some trucks getting shipped for our build week.
Mine is still stuck in production. The dealer told me it showed “off-site”, pretty sure that means it is getting the spray-in bed liner. That has been a couple weeks now.
Still waiting but good to see some movement on this forum!!