I love my lightning. And the thought of drilling holes to mount the license plate was not an option. I had looked at Snap Plate, but it seemed high $$. Then I found a thread here on 3D printing, and someone posted a link. It works great, and I didn't have to drill holes in my truck.
I used a 3D print that attaches to the lower grill. (Sorry, the link is somewhere off the 3D print thread). It came out real nice (wife is the 3D print master).
I received the same email. Originally I was scheduled for August, like you my order was March (3-1-24). This is the first real update, but my distant travels are Vegas to/from OC California. And I don't need it yet.
I've made this drive in reverse of yours, as I live in the OC, California. And that is where I make my stops, Hesperia and Baker to Las Vegas (usually only starting charged 85-90%). But on my return trip, I only stop in Barstow (Las Vegas casino/hotels are nice enough to have chargers to fill...
Yesterday, I went to an EVGo station that had 2 hyperfast (350kwh) chargers with 4 total ports. I passed 2 SC(10 ports each) and there were 8 tesla chargers adjacent to the EVGo. 1 of the Hyperfast ports was down.
The dealership that is closest to me ( and I ordered on-line to deliver to) was quite rude. I didn't accept their financing , and they didn't use my deposit money in the transaction. In addition, the finance manager told me to call corporate to get the money back. The corporate agent was nice...