As always, depends on many factors, biggest of which is speed/head wind.
Recent trip at about -10 C, 100 km/h with a 14 km/h head wind, I got 3 km/kWh.
Just got this done.
Espar coolant heater (2-5kW).
Switch in cab with thermostat where the output line from the gasoline heater ties into the heater core.
Working very well so far.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I installed a gasoline heater to fix this problem. Basically zero electricity consumption for heating.
Google espar coolant heater / cabin heater. Uses about 200mL (0.05 US gallon) of fuel per hour of use and provides almost unlimited heat.
Small 2 gallon tank mounted in bed. Heater heats...
Have a gas or diesel auxiliary heater installed.
Only burns, 200mL/hr, Will keep your cabin cozy as you'd like without having any impact on range.
Google espar coolant heater.
You should install a gasoline or diesel cab heater. They are VERY efficient and solve a big part of the problem of cold weather range...and keep you nice and warm.
Google "Espar coolant heater"
I'm having this done to my Lightning, only going with a gasoline glycol heater by Espar.
Any thoughts on sizing/BTU output from your experience? Cold prairie conditions, just like you.
I have a quote on a 7500 BTU/2 kW unit, but I want to be sure that's going to be enough.
Thanks for your...