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  1. Diesel heater(new video of it running)

    ok that's good to know, the wabasto itself shuts off and flukes out not the truck from what you are saying iirc the first gen have an inlet and outlet temp sensor on the wabasto and if there is no rise in temp it will shut down, the one i just picked up is gen2 ill look into it more, probably...
  2. Diesel heater(new video of it running)

    the wabasto i just picked up has an external circulation pump could leave that circulating at all times and have the heat cycle on/off on demand if flow is an issue
  3. Diesel heater(new video of it running)

    as in you cant turn it down? that could potentially be absolved with an inline thermostat, or maybe a remote switch in cab to turn it off once temperature is achieved as for your few issues, what have they been? I'm doing this for my partners truck would like to elaborate off your experience to...
  4. Diesel heater(new video of it running)

    I'm curious how well this has been working for you as of now, i am about to do the same to one of our company trucks , and trying to decide if we want to do a diesel cabin air heater, or the diesel coolant heater like you have done here has it thrown codes or caused issues with anything adding...
