Honestly, I personally would not Take Dukes' offer. I'd want my power for me, NOT to benefit them. I have a 8kw solar system w/2 - 13 kWh SunVault batteries. My average daily power usage for the house is about 20 kWh. In a power failure . .that would leave 6 kWh for my XLT SR lightning. Right...
Yes, and all that being said , , I noticed when I was installing the Ford mud flaps, that the rear fender wells are made out of plastic, while the front ones are made out of a "fiber" material. Probably for noise reduction, but if someone we not aware and was using a pressure washer after a...
Ya, with all the internals, I would see if you could separate the lens from the body's & just swap them out....Don't they have back up sensors in them, have to be re-calibrated/adjusted? (Thinking out loud)
"The only reason I mentioned lease is because the sales guy was talking about future battery tech like solid state, but that seems a bit down the road."
Yes, I would NOT be holding my breath, unless your the techno type that has to always have the latest & greatest. I have the XLT SR, and I went...
Yes, it seems like ALL the manufactures are going to these god awful drab colors . . especially Toyota.
I like my AM blue, but do wish it was a little lighter blue, and have never been a big fan of red, sorry.
So the ford pass app, is so buggy, 2 days ago I charged @ Home. It said I charged 19 kWh and had traveled 53 Miles, that is 2.79 M/kWh, yesterday it said I charged 64.7 kWh and went 59 Miles . . which is 0.91M/kWh . . .not the first time this has happened...(and YES, all the travels were...
Yes, our problem is the state's CPUC which uses a revolving door for retired PG&E, LADWP, and San Diego Edison. CPUC is supposed to look out for consumers, but gives freebies to the power companies. Thank god for ex commissioner Loretta Lynch, a beacon of truth
Well there is some thinking that the louvers are not open when driving, while I'm not sure of that, I would be apprehensive about using a blow gun to get them out. I would probably just use a crevice tool on my Shop Vac to remove. I also DID install a mesh grill over the opening . . if only for...
While this may be all true and correct . . Please correct me if I'm wrong, aren't the Chinese EV's heavily subsidized in china, and I don't believe the workers are treated very well either.
Gen 2 Lightnings may have it, but I'll be stuck with what I got . . I'm not willing to lose a boatload of $$$ to get the new and improved . . To this point having my XLT for nearly a year, I have not had to use a DCFC charger yet