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  1. Boat Towing Advice

    Ok, I do not know what that means “engaging the locking rear differential” I never did that in my old f150. What’s that mean and what’s that do?
  2. Boat Towing Advice

    Yeah I will. Just the boats in storage for the winter so won’t be able to for at least 4 months haha
  3. Boat Towing Advice

    You have an estimate what the weight is on that? A quick google search suggests a center console boat weighs pretty close to a tritoon. If so, that def makes me feel better. Never even thought about that as an option dropping the boat off in a parking lot to go charge! haha I suppose that's...
  4. Boat Towing Advice

    Hello All, I recently joined this past week buying the 2023 Lightning Lariat Standard Range. I was really impressed with the technology and driving experience. The only thing that I have doubts about is the ability to tow my Tritoon boat. I accounted the weight of the boat + trailer + 250hp...
