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  1. Finally! A simple & effective solution to "locking" your Ford NACS adapter -- 3D Print Lock

    Hi Carys98, the video shows the key going in from the left side of the lock (not the right side). The key is easy to pull out if you insert the key into the right side of the lock. The left side of the lock is where you are suppose to insert the key and that is where I am having trouble...
  2. Finally! A simple & effective solution to "locking" your Ford NACS adapter -- 3D Print Lock

    how do you get the key out since it has hooks at the end of it to prevent it from being removed? Do you push it in all the way through and out to the other side? I cannot pull it back out the way it went in because the hooks prevent it from pulling back out.
  3. Finally! A simple & effective solution to "locking" your Ford NACS adapter -- 3D Print Lock

    I printed the lock with my resin 3D printer. How do you get the key out? It is stuck. The only way I can get it out is if I wedge a small flathead screwdriver in to pull the key back out. Is there a simpler way to get the key back out?
