
Search results

  1. DO NOT BRING LIGHNING IN FOR RECALLS! Truck is dead at dealer. ***Update 10/16, fixed after 5 weeks***

    I can imagine: Ford is so siloed in their operations, that it wouldn't surprise me to find out that they have one group of SW engineers for Mach-E and one for Lightning. And those groups are not allowed to talk to each other.
  2. Is Anybody Happy With Their Lightning?

    My wife and I love our Lightning XLT SR! At delivery, (which is a not-so-positive story) I was a little concerned that I'd be disappointed with the small screen and short range. Well, given all the plusses with this truck, the range and screen size are not issues at all. The ride is smooth and...
  3. Removing tailgate

    I removed the tailgate from my F150 Lightning this weekend. The process wasn't difficult. (See above procedure) The primary thing I wasn't expecting is that none of my cameras worked while the tailgate was disconnected. (Yes, I used the protective caps) However, when I reconnected the tailgate...
