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  1. New construction for generator backup

    Thanks, I did not catch that, but I think it is OK as the meter will include a disconnect.
  2. New construction for generator backup

    I found this 200 Amp transfer switch on Amazon. The price is about 10% of other 200A alternatives, which is both exhilarating and disconcerting. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCFZ1H7J?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title I ordered it, and will report on the results...
  3. New construction for generator backup

    I am running a few lathes and milling machines on 7.2kW now (but only one at a time), but using VFD inverters for 3-phase which offer soft start. They cost under $200. Can they be inserted in front of the heat pump (obviously a single-phase version)??? Note that my shop and home combined are...
  4. New construction for generator backup

    Thanks for the link to the youtube. That video was actually part of the inspiration for the circuit I posted. The 30 amp version of the switch shown only costs $450, but the 200 amp version actually shown costs $3,600. Of course the 30 amp version would be OK if an existing panel is left in...
  5. New construction for generator backup

    I am also building a workshop which is not for human habitation. It appears that the emergency disconnect is not required for that? And if the transfer switch has an intermediate Off position does that constitute an emergency disconnect?
  6. New construction for generator backup

    You are correct, and thanks for catching that. I had missed it.
  7. How often do you actually use the 9.6 kw pro power on board?

    I use mine almost every day. I am building a retirement cottage off-grid and the Lightning powers an air compressor, a welder, miter-saw, radial arm saw, and all of the small tools. Next week I hope to connect a 3-phase milling machine via VFD (5hp)
  8. New construction for generator backup

    There are many threads addressing the retrofit of generator support for existing construction. Doing this legally and functionally is not a trivial task. However I believe that new construction should be simple. Attached is my schematic and I invite corrections. Note that the ground and...
  9. Anyone try using a welder yet?

    You will find other threads on this forum were there have been reports of problems with welders (tripped circuit breakers). I have two wire welders (one on 120 and one on 240). I just picked up my lighting last week and will not be testing them until next week, but I can report problems with my...
  10. Can I take the high voltage DC to an invertor?

    My cottage is off grid and I want to take the DC voltage from the Charge Station Pro to an invertor. I see in the schematics that I need a "dark battery", but what does the capacity of it need to be? I see a CAT serial cable. Is that serial interface necessary? If so, how do I fake it?
  11. 3-Phase, and Off-Grid

    Have any of you tapped the HVDC to an inverter for "simple" off-grid applications? If so I need your advice! I would actually like to drive a pair of inverters from the DC. One for single phase, and another for three phase. Tapping the DC terminals in the Charger Pro is easy, but I have...
