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  1. Eibach R&D for Lightning lowering kit, leveling kit and lift kit -- submit your input

    That's good to know thank you! I am debating between upgrading front & rear shocks or just the front shocks now. It sounds like I would not want to replace springs unless there are still complaints after the shocks upgrade.
  2. Eibach R&D for Lightning lowering kit, leveling kit and lift kit -- submit your input

    Can anyone comment on the differences in body roll, ride quality, handling between the Eibach Stage 1 Lift Kit vs. only replacing the stock shocks with Pro-Truck Sport Shocks? The Lightning is a great truck but my wife is prone to getting motion sickness and she dislikes trips in the truck. It...
  3. Diamondback Switchback Review

    How long did you have to leave it be @RickLightning? After about a week I've seen no change.
  4. Apple Car Play Audio Issue

    Agreed, same issue here. Hopefully a solution is found soon Ford!
  5. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    That's what mine looks like also. Excellent, thank you @The Weatherman
  6. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    I got the truck back and, so far, the issue is resolved. Still need to get a few car washes, a couple hundred miles on the odometer, a few runs with the bike rack, and a few weeks of zero issues before calling it a victory. I found it curious that the rubber conduit in the driver door sits the...
  7. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    It looks like we have resolved the issue. Ford sent someone to the dealership today to take a look at the truck. It turns out one of the connectors in the driver side front door was not fully seated ; this is why the truck was not reliably getting confirmation the door was closed. The truck...
  8. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Well the truck has been at the dealership for 10 days now across two repair attempts. We've got three codes, one is interesting, but there's still no clear path to resolution. Ford's BEV team is involved now and I've also notified the NHTSA about the issue since they may have an interest in a...
  9. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    @rtk11226 any news on the testing with the bush or pieces of cardboard? The dealership is unable to trigger the condition so I am hoping to learn something to try with the dealership.
  10. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    In the hours prior to my Lightning’s appointment, it behaved without any issues. After running it through a car wash (no change), opening doors multiple times (no change), restarting the truck several times (no change), the issue finally came up again after backing the truck up so that the rear...
  11. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Got a call from the dealership ; the TSB that Ford initially thought might be related unfortunately did not pan out. Door panels, hood, and all associated sensors are aligned. Not surprising since the instrument panel never said a door was open unless it truly was. @Ford Motor Company it...
  12. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Something indeed. Tech got a good look at the issue today and, for now, Ford is paying for an F250 loaner.
  13. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Ouch One thing I can say is that my truck's issue is more prevalent now than it was a month or two ago. "Oh that was weird let's restart" has turned into "it happens almost every time I drive".
  14. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    @rtk11226 is what you are seeing match the videos I put up today?
  15. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    I managed to capture some more information last night and today. Auto Hold System Fault and non-1PD issues both observed. This is definitely looking like a computer somewhere thinks a door is open. https://youtu.be/VBc5as2YzlE https://youtu.be/AMwNZMJwf9Y Other things I can confirm so far is...
  16. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Now the question is which switch / wire is bad such that the instrument cluster doesn't think the door is open but another engine control module does.
  17. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Yep I'm trying to get in touch with them now. That's kind of what I'm wondering. New information -- as of today the truck is now sometimes showing "Auto-Hold System Fault". Auto-hold was disabled by the computer this morning. When I tried enabling it again it complained it could not do so...
  18. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    Well there's no immediate evidence of the red liquid of motor death but I'll ask!
  19. Uncommanded Parking Brake Activation

    To clarify this isn't an issue with auto-hold. That works as expected.
