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Search results

  1. Thank you NE Lightning Owners Club and Tom Moloughney for a GREAT BBQ Meetup!

    I am up to helping/joining/admin an Ontario club ! I sent an email to the address above. 2024 Flash
  2. Ford Extended Service Contract

    I have owned my new 2024 Flash for less than a month now and love it so far. Question to the group: I typically never buy anything in the business office during purchase, however, this time I purchased the 4 year - 100,000 Extended warranty plus. Given the lack of components and an 8 year...
  3. Cost to fill up your Lightning?

    Some Ontario Electric companies have an Ultra-Low Rate schedule that you must register for (not automatic). News Release . At 27 kWh per 100 km my cost would be (27 x 5 x .024) =$ 3.24 plus bill fees. My former F150 XLT cost me roughly $400 a month in gas. My new cost estimate is roughly...
