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  1. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    They are held on with 3/4" OD silicone tubing and connected at the top with a barbed connector. So If someone wants them they would just cut the tubing. I guess you could run like bicycle cable through the tubing and then use a padlock at the top
  2. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    Awesome!!! Ty so much!!
  3. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    lol!!! It would be a fender gender bender :)
  4. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    Also my store is kind of new and I am trying to grow it so every order and review helps a ton :)
  5. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    Not really since Etsy's cut isn't that much and having it go through there helps me keep track of orders easier etc
  6. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    Thanks, it's my buddies truck so I had to use it for the plate lol
  7. EV Wire Nut Truck Nuts for sale!

    Hey all, I sell Wire Nut truck nuts for EV trucks and SUVs and being a Lightning owner I figured I would share here also. Here is a link to my Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/1847886439/7-wire-nut-truck-nuts-kit-ev-truck-nut
