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  1. Glossary?

    Isn't that a Camaro from the 80s?
  2. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    I googled it, late model F1-150s take three different part numbers, ML3Z-1503100-G, -J, and -H. Rain sensor, auto-dim, and heated steering wheel ar the varaibles. The lightnings mainly take the -J, unless you have a ligtning with no heated steering wheel. These are all standard F-150 parts...
  3. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    Well, I asked the AI: AI Overview Learn more Yes, an F-150 Lightning windshield is essentially the same as an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) F-150 windshield; they share the same basic design and dimensions, meaning you can use the same replacement windshield for both vehicles. Key points...
  4. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    Sorry that happened to you. What was your cost to replace? What was the insurance treatment? Are you in the US or Canada?
  5. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    Defrost alone is not a common cause of windshield failure. The design of the glass on the lightning is the same as any F150, the best selling vehicle in North America. A systematic defect is very unlikely. Talk to your insurance agent about all the things you are reading about here. As...
  6. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    If you drive big miles, windshields are a wear item. I'm in the US. The comprehensive section of my I durance covers glass, with a $50 deductible. Using it has never impacted my premium. Don't know about Canada insurance, but I thought the government there did not tolerate crappy insurance.
  7. Turn Signal Indicator blinking fast

    Hilarious. Does the AI know these are all LEDs?
  8. 2023 Ford Lightning, 4,000 miles - 5 out of 6 lug nuts and studs sheared off of the right front wheel!

    Touching a lug nuts to see if it is tight counts as mechanicaly inclined. It is very difficult to get on the head of people who are not mechanically inclined.
  9. 2023 Ford Lightning, 4,000 miles - 5 out of 6 lug nuts and studs sheared off of the right front wheel!

    No indication? That condition was visible to your neighbor. Lesson to others (you have already learned) do the "circle of safety" around your vehicle at least once in the morning.
  10. Trump order freezes funding for Illinois EV charging network

    You are correct. It feels like a subsidy. See what they did there?
  11. Using your EVSE/charger to power a garage shop heater

    His charger is plugged into a wall receptacle. Wouldnt it be easier to plug the heater into the wall recptacle?
  12. Feature Request: Speed Sign Recognition Offset Percentage

    Speeding is one thing, describing your speeding habits on the internet is something else all together. Is there a different forum where you explain the ways you lie on your tax returns?
  13. Ford Lightning Pro Power Onboard failure on the last weld of the project

    13A is not much. One theory is harmonics. Your machine has an inverter, and probably a rectifier on the front end. These can throw out a lot of harmonics backwards toward the source, which is just another inverter. These harmonics can create heat without showing up on an ameter. Large...
  14. Won't charge at home on chargepoint charger

    Do you know the wire size used? Corrosion or loose terminals is what I would check first, since this worked fine for six months.
