
Search results

  1. F-150 Crew Cab (Lightning): Will It Fit In Garage?

    When "very rare" = 0. What nonsense even is this?
  2. Ford to Deploy 'Charging Angels' to maintain charging network

    I know we expect EA and others to do this already to keep their infrastructure maintained, it's good to see Ford is trying to be proactive in helping keep the charging network running: https://www.engadget.com/ford-charge-angels-repair-ev-stations-173442523.html
  3. List: F-150 Lightning dealers that do / don't apply ADM (price markup)

    For those in AZ, Earnhardt Ford has confirmed they'll sell at MSRP and will accept x-plan if offered.
  4. What Questions Do You Have? (I'm attending the Event tomorrow.)

    I was also at the event yesterday and they said that even though the interior trims were different, all of the vehicles being driven were of the same battery / motor config (ER). I was thrilled with everything I saw. The only thing I didn't like was that I couldn't test drive it. It...
  5. Reservation holders only event?

    I received a follow-up email today. Looks like it's 1-SEP-21 at PIR. Looking forward to it!
  6. Reservation holders only event?

    I was able to register for this as well, and was concerned something on my end stripped the date. Glad it wasn't just me.
  7. Trim Pricing For 2022 F-150 Lightning Revealed in Survey Email! [Before and After Tax Credit]

    I did not. I also haven't heard from my dealer like a bunch of folks have. Yes, I confirmed my registration is still in place as of 30 seconds ago. :)
  8. Reservation holders for 2022 F-150 Lightning - sign in here!

    Reservation 10837824 made 20MAY21 with an AZ dealership
