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  1. BlueOval Charge Network adds IONNA

    I used my first Ionna charger last week (Scranton PA), must have been right before this update was pushed because I had to pay by credit card. Really liked the experience. Charger worked well and was cheaper than the EA charger in Scranton.
  2. Flood of Surveys?

    Well - glad to know I am not alone at least!
  3. Flood of Surveys?

    Up to 14 now, including one on the update process in general.
  4. Flood of Surveys?

    Just wondering if anyone else is getting a flood of survey's from Ford. I have gotten 11 in the last 40 minutes or so and they all seem to be very old updates, years old.
  5. BlueCruise dead spots ?

    Another reason I have seen for it cutting out is toll cameras. Even if there are no booths or any type of obstructions, it seems to cut out for them.
  6. First use of Mobile Power Cord not working

    One other thing to check is to make sure the 120V adapter is plugged in all the way. It should be completely flush with the unit and you have to press pretty hard to get it all of the way in.
  7. Ram says the Ramcharger REEV is just right for the electrified age

    Not a fan. I understand the need for some folks who need to tow long distances, but this just adds back in all of the disadvantages of ICE.
  8. Farley believes he knows how to beat the Chinese on EVs

    The range extender is just a generator that runs to charge your battery while you are driving.
  9. 2023 F-150 Lightning Windshield Cracked After Defrost—Ford Won’t Cover It! Help Needed

    Do you have glass coverage on your insurance? That usually takes care of things like this.
  10. How can I remove ice from inside the truck’s charge cord receptacle

    I would recommend a blow dryer instead of a heat gun - less chance of damaging the port. Source: Guy who has melted too many important plastic things with a heat gun.
  11. Increased Range?

    For travel I mentally budget 2 miles / 1% charge to make sure I have enough to get to the next charger.
  12. I know this is a Ford forum but.

    Then maybe they shouldn't have cut Carplay / AA from their vehicles!

    We have data sets going back much further via ice core samples, trees, fossils and similar techniques. https://www.climate.gov/maps-data/climate-data-primer/past-climate#:~:text=Paleoclimatology%20is%20the%20study%20of,instruments%20are%20called%20proxy%20records.

    Close, but Yucca isn't full. It was never used. Nuclear waste lasts a long time, but it is TINY! Coal plants put out more radioactive waste. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yucca_Mountain_nuclear_waste_repository
  15. When will the lightning get the NACS port?

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the T3 was pushed back further to see what political winds might change 4+ years from now.
  16. Will you renew BlueCruise?

    I am honestly on the fence. The price is high, but I do use it (good ole BC 1.0) all the time, especially on longer trips. I probably do 5k to 6k miles per year on BC now. My 3 year trial expires in October, so I will have to see where things are at then.
  17. Trump order freezes funding for Illinois EV charging network

    Not who you were replying too, but personally I would like to see it go the other way. No subsidies for anything, but the full cost of environmental damage added as a purchase tax to all things, with the price set at the cost to recapture the CO2 and any other chemicals from the environment...
  18. Trump order freezes funding for Illinois EV charging network

    Unfortunately look at the data, we may already be over the cliff with the accelerator firmly pressed down. We just haven't hit bottom yet.
