It's an Aluma. They make a single and a double version. Best lightweight motorcycle trailer IMO.
I'm 6'1" and lanky, so I actually prefer the height and riding position of adventure bikes. The best fit for me is the BMW R1250GS. But once I switched to the RT with the better wind protection...
Looks like a great setup. I don't blame you for beefing up the rack with the cross bracing. I've used a hitch rack like that before and it always made me a little nervous carrying an expensive bike. I have owned three V-Stroms starting with the 650 in 2007. Great bikes and very under rated...
Yes. Best plan. Just drive and enjoy it. And in order to maintain that sunny optimism, I would also recommend limiting your viewing on this site to the Trip Reports and Show & Tell sections. :giggle:
And yet, you (and all of us here) went directly against Warren Buffet's advice and bought an experimental vehicle with probable low residual future value. That was an emotional decision we made, not a sound financial choice. Turns out that none of us who bought Lightnings did so because we are...
Going through a module replacement is a bit like having your hot girlfriend cheat on you. You loved everything about her and had a beautiful relationship....right up until that point. Suddenly, you can't trust her anymore. And once "You've lost that lovin''s gone, gone...
Not every life decision has to be "logical", especially by somebody else's definition. Most of our decisions are emotional anyway, and then we justify them with what we think is logic. Sometimes you just gotta move on from certain things in your life despite the cost. That can be perfectly...
I'm basically a skeptic too, and you may be right. But there are a lot of indicators that this is more than just an idea in the works. Maybe bad translation? 🤷‍♂️
As promised last Friday, BYD held a livestream event at its headquarters in Shenzen, China, where it officially unveiled its new...
Sounds to me like it's fully developed and ready to roll out:
"BYD plans to change that with its new “Super E-Platform,” which has officially been unveiled and offers 1,000V and charge rates up to 1,000 kW."
Seems to me that if there's substantial fluid on the top side of any of the undercarriage surfaces, that may be evidence that it came from your truck. If it's all on the bottom or front surfaces, then most likely from another source.
This is how I do it too. I forget that I have the frunk. I used it the other day for the first time at a grocery store that does on-line orders and they bring it out and load it for you. I opened it just as the guy was coming out with my order and I motioned for him to put it "under the...