
Search results

  1. Camping in cold weather - Lightning was a lifeline

    So I tried to sleep in the truck, but even with the max-recline seats I still found it difficult. However after being in the truck for over 5 hours, my SoC only went down to 68%.
  2. Camping in cold weather - Lightning was a lifeline

    While there no official way to do it via software, you could also pull the fuses.
  3. Camping in cold weather - Lightning was a lifeline

    As I type this now, I am here in the campgrounds with 35 degree F windy weather and the low is supposed to get around 25F (not factoring in wind chill). I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold and windy however by 11PM I was shivering and not feeling well. Thank goodness I had my F150L with 73%...
  4. New Ford Charging Adaptor by TESLA Compared to Orginal

    Old thread, but why did Ford go with another brand vs just sticking with the Tesla made one? I would assume it’s safe to use the Tesla version, but which one is safer?
  5. Canopy Bed Security Cameras

    In the contract, it said you had to give it back at the end. I even confirm this with Ford too.
  6. Canopy Bed Security Cameras

    I was invited too, however I declined since it was a stick-on camera and was worried about it ruining the defroster lines when we had to take it off. If we could have kept the camera, I would have accepted it.
  7. Selling my 2022 Pro with 30k miles

    I just tried carvana as well for giggles (since my my offer was expired) and realized they had my truck set to the Pro trim vs Platinum. I sent them a picture of the window sticker, and we will see what happens.
  8. Best EVSE Setup for Two EVs on One Circuit?

    2x 40A is fine for 100A circuit 2x 50A needs a 125A circuit. For continuous loads (lasting 3 hours or more), you should not load a circuit breaker to more than 80% of its rated capacity to protect the circuit and prevent overheating. Technically some EVSEs have this setting already there...
  9. Best EVSE Setup for Two EVs on One Circuit?

    Really pricey, but I heard of wattzilla. https://wattzilla.com/index.html I heard that OpenEVSE might be working on something, but I haven't seen any updates. https://www.openevse.com/
  10. Selling my 2022 Pro with 30k miles

    According to carfax and a few others, my 22 Plat is worth _only_ $44K with 28K miles. I am really upside down on this truck.
  11. Will I get Blue Cruise 1.5

    Maybe I misunderstood, however he is saying that the new DAS system will be 2.1, while the other ones before that are 1.5. So if we don't have the new hardware, you are technically limited to 1.5.
  12. Safety Program: 25S18: HV Battery Electrode Misalignment Discussion

    Looks like I am clear, even though my truck was built in June 2022.
  13. ECG- - Consistent Battery (LVB) Performance

    I just got this update and an email as well. It appeared to stop my auto target charging, and it was "waiting" to charge which I found odd. I just started it, and it appears to be charging now.
  14. OTA Software Update 10.3.0 - Powertrain, Battery, Parking Brake

    So for giggles I just tried to add the target charge via the application, and it worked. I did nothing as the instructions suggested and just waited.
  15. Bluecruise 1.4 officially being sent out to F150 & Lightnings starting today (12/11/24)!

    It was only a small subset of EA users and the next batch will be sent out in the next several weeks. They take what they learned from this batch and correct any issues with the deployment.
  16. PSA: Get an Additional BlueCruise Year for Free (2022 and 2023 Models)

    With all these “free” subscriptions, Ford will get an idea of how popular BlueCruise is. Besides all the information that they get that gets uploaded after every drive.
