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  1. FordPass - Scriptable Widget (iOS, iPad, MacOS)

    New version loaded up just fine. Smaller buttons on the big version look good! Also, did you do something to make it faster when you tap a button like "start." First impression is it was quicker.
  2. FordPass - Scriptable Widget (iOS, iPad, MacOS)

    Sorry you are having that error. By no means am I an expert on this or involved in the widget. But, just a couple quick suggestions. Check to see that the widgettool is updated. It should be 2.0. Try removing the widget and re-adding it. If none of that works. Remove the widget, uninstall...
  3. FordPass - Scriptable Widget (iOS, iPad, MacOS)

    I'm using the large one. It takes a bit of fiddling sometimes to install. It just doesn't want to load the script at first sometimes. If you go to the settings and view the widget in the large size and then close it, the widget seems to load and have no further problems. If that doesn't...
  4. FordPass - Scriptable Widget (iOS, iPad, MacOS)

    Thanks for your work on this! The update looks great, can't wait!
  5. FordPass - Scriptable Widget (iOS, iPad, MacOS)

    Is this what I should be seeing now, or is this the unreleased version that is coming soon?
