

  1. A2Z recall (NACS to CCS1 adapter) - overblown concern?

    I searched and could only find threads about the Ford adapter recall. Anyone else got a letter from A2Z about a recall of their NACS to CCS1 adapter? A lot of legalese, but it sounds like there are concerns about the locking mechanism, but in the specifics of how it can cause harm, it just...
  2. Wisconsin Sold: A2Z adapter for sale. SOLD

    I have A2Z adapter for sale. Never used. $160 shipped to anywhere in CONUS. PayPal or Venmo.
  3. California A2Z Charger for Sale (or rent)?

    I’m taking a road trip to SF with my family Mem Day Wknd and really hoping for an adapter. I can’t get one in time from A2Z and my Ford one isn’t coming til July. Is anyone in SoCal willing to sell me theirs or rent it for a week if you’ve gotten your Ford adapter? Many thanks in advance!
