

  1. Truck Campers vs Trailers what impacts range more?

    Hi everyone love the forum found it very useful helpful me make up my mind on my 2022 lighting. I found a lot of good info about trailers and campers on here as well. I'm pretty much set on a pop up camper (topo Rincon or raven) or some sort of teardrop (Hiker, little buggy idk) . My...
  2. Overland Vehicle Camper Toppers - what did you buy and why?

    I have an Overland equipped FJ with an off-road trailer, both with Rooftop tents and began exploring camper toppers for my 2024 Lightning. What did you pick or are considering and why?
  3. Securing a camper to my f150

    Hey all. I’m new to the camper game and I was hoping for some insight with securing a camper to my f150 power boost. Some back story, my goal is to have a lightweight camper with off grid power capability and to be comfy in the wilderness. The camper I’m purchasing this weekend is a roamin’...
