
cold weather range

  1. Documenting drives and data in cold and warm weather in a new YouTube channel

    Hey everyone! When considering an EV, I was very concerned about how cold weather impacted range, so I searched for real-world data. There was some out there, but not a lot. Our climate in Minnesota varies greatly, so it’s important for people to know what to expect. People like Brian Reibe...
  2. Lightning Extreme Cold Weather Highway Performance?

    I'm considering picking up a 2022 lightning. Currently have a couple Mach-E's and would probably trade one in on the lightning. The Mach-E in anything below -20C when highway driven (even if preconditioned plugged in first) will blow ice cold air after a few minutes at 100km/h leaving...
  3. Anyone have battery tips and cabin settings to optimize range in cold weather

    I just got my Lariat ER in early Feb and loving it so far, but recently it seems the battery isn't holding the charge as well when I start driving in the morning. The last couple days (temps around 30-40°F in the morning), I've lost 10-15 miles within the first few minutes. The temperatures...
  4. Driving and Charging the Lightning at -40F\-40C. A Real World Test.

    Long Post: Last winter I conducted a worse case cold weather range test of my Mach E at -35F. https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/35f-37c-real-world-mach-e-range-test-what-could-go-wrong.11669/ When the temperatures here in Fairbanks hit -40F this week, I couldn't contain myself - another...
