

  1. Interesting observation, should I be concerned?

    I have a 2022 Lightning, had it since October, 13k miles on it so far. Over the last month I noticed something mildly alarming. I usually plug my truck in 3-4 times a week, and all but two times I have charged it, has been at home. Here's the interesting bit, I noticed my total range...
  2. 50,000 miles - What a long, strange trip it's been.

    Well not 50,000 miles but how about 49,534 miles since June 6th 2022 in my Rapid Red Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat. Gather around children, sit back, and listen to my tail of woe. It has thrills, chills, spills, and kills! Again not quite, it has been pretty boring, with minor irritations along...
