

  1. How to fix center 12 inch LCD screen abrasion or scratches

    Hello! I have had my lightning for almost 2 years now and have noticed that there are some light abrasions/scratches on the center touchscreen. Does anyone out there have any tips on how to fix this on the lightning? I have read some info on using ScratchX or NOVUS to fix this but I am a...
  2. My "quality issues"

    Let me start by saying that this truck is amazing. I was quick to reserve and waited well over a year (like most Lightning owners) to get my truck. I am also aware as an early adopter that there will be some issues that get ironed out in future revs. That said, as an engineer I am always...
  3. 2021 Sync 4 screen not responding

    So I just picked up my truck just over 2 weeks ago. Been awesome so far! The other day though I get in the truck, my touch screen will just keep going black every time I physically touch the screen. Time is no where near correct either. Truck goes into Ford Today so I’ll see what the issue is...
  4. Sync 4 - Is there any way to hide this?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to hide or remove this part of the screen? Don’t get me wrong, the information is nice sometimes. On the other hand, I paid for the whole screen, I want the option to use the whole screen! I can’t be the only one thinking this. Please let me know your...
