

  1. FDRS Down Again? CSP Still Waiting

    I really haven’t had a bad experience getting things taken care of on this truck to date. Today I made what was attempt number 2 at getting my front sensors addressed for the CSP. I got another call that said “FDRS IS DOWN” and the tech claims this is the second time it’s happened. Searching for...
  2. California Sold: Mongoose Plus Ford2

    Selling my Opus Mongoose Plus Ford2. Worked perfectly and was very useful, but I've sold my truck now! $420 shipped If this post isn't marked sold then it's still available...
  3. Power-Up 23-PU0503-CON-FX

    First OTA since being stuck on 3.5.4 after failure with DTE update do you have it? ’22 ER
  4. Ford Lightning Top 5 things to make a fantastic tuck better

    Long-time reader, first-time poster. A huge thank you to everyone creating content about the lighting. It's educational and fun to learn. As Flibble said, when discussing software updates, allow owners to see how fast the truck is charging from a station. Seeing charging speed can be helpful...
