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California Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon


Active member
First Name
Oct 11, 2021
Reaction score
DMC12, 75 Monza, 17 Volt
I have a firm offer from a local dealer, but a few days before we will pull the trigger. Let me know if you are seriously interested. PM please.

Less than 100 miles
510A package
Silver Blue metallic
Max Tow Package
Standard Range Battery
ProPower on board
100% perfect

- Does not fit in our new garage and we have no driveway - cannot charge effectively at home. Switching to Maverick hybrid despite DMA.

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon windowsticker_220817_110335

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110628

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110459

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110333

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110228

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110049

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110151

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110113

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110258

Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat SR with Tow Package $90k OBO- Going Soon 20220826_110205
