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Search results for query: Delta

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  1. Cell Level Testing of the SK805A (Lightning Cell)

    ...I will trade in the wife's EV6 and my truck AFTER retirement to buy a Kia EV9 as we transition to a single vehicle family. I will say that the delta is a HUGE issue for this cell, along with temperature (I would recommend keeping it under 45C) I will also say our testing takes us outside of...
  2. Running the Battery to 0%

    I would suggest that someone with the time and an OBD reader map out the voltages of each SOC. It can be cumbersome using the method we do to map a cell, but basically you drive it until you are down 10%, wait an hour, read the voltage. One thing to keep in mind when observations based on...
  3. Running the Battery to 0%

    Our cycle life testing is normally 3 different temperatures (25C, 45C, and 55C) and 3 different delta SOCs centered around 50% SOC (30%, 60%, and 90% delta). After 12 years of testing many types of chemistries, this is why I harp on the delta per charge (see previous posts) However, what we...
  4. Battery Module Failure - Do you use or had you used Pro Power just before getting the bad module code?

    ...more interested in knowing the normal charging profiles of those that have had a module problem. Another person on our campus had to lemon law his truck after the second module failure. I know he regularly charged to 90-100% with a high delta (let it run down to 20% before he charged it...
  5. 3 Common Mistakes That May Harm Your EV Battery - Engineering Explained

    ...of Dr. Dahn's papers to confirm and build on. ~ 5 minutes a bunch of small charges is better than full depth - I have mentioned MANY times the delta is important! But I will invariably hear someone say they have been cycling from 10%-100% for many years and never saw degradation. This is...
  6. Top battery off to 90% every day?

    ...'data'? Since I've tested batteries and cells for a living for going on 13 years, I can tell you that the loss of capacity from five 10% delta < one 50% delta. This comes weekly Level I analysis and graphs for cells that I have had under test. I've seen cells fail under 900 90% delta...
  7. Top battery off to 90% every day?

    The wife's EV6 charges to 90% on a daily basis only because it doesn't have 5% increments. She never knows how much driving she will do in a day (sometimes coming home at 10% SOC), so this is the best practice for her vehicle. I should also mention we share a single 40 A EVSE.
  8. Top battery off to 90% every day?

    ...is better, but do what you need to do for your standard routine. Don't take it down to 0% on a routine basis. Our testing shows that a 90% delta (95% SOC to 5% SOC) has the most degradation at normal temperatures. We have what is called Test 3 (25C, max charge current, max discharge...
  9. Top battery off to 90% every day?

    ...you through the day. If that means 100%, so be it. I chose 85% because I know that is really 80% actual and I've seen the data for 75% - 80% delta on the same type of chemistry. Not that I actually get down to 75%, but I plug in every day in order to use shore power to condition the cabin...
  10. Top battery off to 90% every day?

    The small delta I use will cause minimal damage to the cells, and I have enough juice no matter what the day may bring. Most of our cycling tests use 50% SOC as center point of the cycle with deltas of 30%, 60% and 90%, we have some customers using different center point SOCs. The delta of the...
  11. CSP-23B57 for High Voltage Battery Notice

    ...decreasing on any type of charge/discharge cycle. The only question will be how much degradation. We use a propriety L9 matrix to account for delta SOC, charge/discharge currents, and temperature. Once a week, we do a reference performance tests so I get to see the degradation in almost...
  12. Official Charging Recommendations

    ...that show capacity fade, power fade, and resistance rise based on factors such as storage levels, temperatures, charge/discharge levels, and delta SOC. Needless to say I base my charging levels (and the wife's Kia EV6 levels) on what I have observed over the years. We are testing the Mach...
  13. Fast charging more than 80% degrades battery?

    ...who has actually tested Li-ion cells and EV packs for the last 12 years only charges his personal Lightning up to 85% SOC on a daily basis...something about being in the meat of the delta SOC and more than he needs for daily driving. ;) He might have mentioned something about charge rates too.
  14. [Updated with Ford statement 2/15/23] 🛑 Lightning Stop Production / Stop Shipment Issued (due to potential battery issue)

    To add on to the cycle life...L3 (highest discharge current, highest charge current, highest delta SOC, but best temperature is the hardest conditions to program the cyclers for, but shows the second highest dedragation on life, just behind L9 (highest temperature, highest discharge current...
  15. [Updated with Ford statement 2/15/23] 🛑 Lightning Stop Production / Stop Shipment Issued (due to potential battery issue)

    ...great videos, but unimportant to our discussion here. Cycle Life - We run an L9 matrix with 3 different levels in each of the following areas; delta SOC (centered around 50% SOC), discharge current, charge current, and cycling temperature. I really wish I could share normalized graphs for...
  16. Is $9,400 Sunrun Home Integration System worthless if you sell your truck? or can it be re-purposed?

    WOW! I'm glad I decided early on not to go with SunRun! How in the world could you justify $10k for 4 kW? That's really not much more Amps (16.66 A) that a 110 V outlet (15 A) can produce!
  17. Motortrend Rivian R1T First Drive

    ...of individual cells. This DOES NOT mean the same happens inside a full pack. I have not tested that. We also do cycle life at various delta SOC (centered around 50% SOC) and the higher the delta, the greater the degradation. If I want to baby a pack, I want to keep it around 50% SOC as...
