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  1. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Appreciate your reply. I’m definitely not an expert in this regard so I glad to hear everyone’s perspective on addressing this issue. Has anyone noticed improvement after realignment? I’ll admit that I haven’t done this yet myself and will report back once I do.
  2. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Yeah, shame that no one has gotten any answers from Ford, myself included. Alignment keeps getting brought up…but I honestly don’t think that’s it. Doesn’t make sense to me why it would be in this narrow power band between 45-50 mph and under acceleration. Also wouldn’t make sense why it would...
  3. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this issue with such a new truck. Do you also have a cap or any constant weight in the back?
  4. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Checking in to see if anyone has any updates on this issue? I unfortunately don’t have anything yet. The more I consider this issue, it really seems to be powertrain thing, particularly with regards to power distribution between the motors that seems to be exacerbated with additional weight...
  5. Ford Explorer EV Kicked Off in Europe

    Ford…why in the world would you not make this available in the US? These specs (assuming they’re legit) at this price point is what the market seems to want when it comes to EVs. If it was available in the US, would have been first in line to make a reservation, though I acknowledge that I’m...
  6. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    I agree that weight seems to be a factor. If it was all aerodynamics, then wouldn’t really explain why it changes with regard to how noticeable it is between different drive modes at the same speed.
  7. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    On an unrelated note, I was riding my bike up around Lake Dillon in CO and as I was climbing, a test truck clad in camo was coming down the opposite way. I was able to get a good enough look at it to see that it had no exhaust, was slightly smaller than the F150 though looked to be larger than a...
  8. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    It is interesting that it seems most (perhaps all?) of us that are experiencing this issue have a cap on the truck. I do believe this issue started after I put it on. Of note, I did experiment with different drive modes during my drive up to the mountains and it seems to completely go away in...
  9. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    That would be great, since the dealership that I contacted with locally seems to know very little about the Lightning and/or not very interested in it. I tried to schedule an appointment after getting forwarded to two different people that apparently work in that area (I assume EVs) and did get...
  10. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Thank you to those who have experienced this as well for sharing. I’ll be taking the Truck to the dealer in about a week and will keep you all updated. Interesting to hear that replacing the front motor solved the issue. I hope that the dealer doesn’t have to keep it that long… As for the...
  11. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Agree that is does not seem related to the air dam. I’ve read those threads as well in searching about this issue, and I’d be very surprised if that made the struck stutter to the extent that we’re experiencing. Very much does seem motor related. The best way I can describe it is if you were...
  12. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Thought I was the only one! Glad I’m not going crazy. Hesitated to post about this for a while since it is inconsistent. Sounds like you’ve got a fiberglass cap on at all times as well? Interesting that is the case for both of us, though mine is the smartcap and weighs about 330 lbs. My truck...
  13. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    That’s correct. Only does it when accelerating and stops when I get going over 52mph or so. Interestingly it doesn’t do it when gently accelerating. Seems to only occur when applying about 25-50% power. It will stop if I take my foot off the pedal.
  14. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    The wheel being out of balance makes sense, though surprised it would happen this soon. I haven’t been too hard on the truck, though plenty of drives into the mountains in CO. I was thinking hubs may be the issue as well. Will check those things out. Good thought about altered aerodynamics with...
  15. Stuttering at 47-52mph

    Hi everyone! First time poster but have been following the forum for a while. Love my 2023 Pro extended range, though have noticed an issue recently and wondering if anyone has experienced the same. In short, when I’m accelerating at about 25-50% power between 47-52 mph, I’ll feel a...
