I still can't seem to get my GWM updated. I've tried it with the USB and the CAN bus route but it just fails. Any insight on what to try next? I've also done a GWM reconfiguration with no luck.
Say I made changes in the BCM, IPC, and APIM with Forscan and want to revert back to stock but didn't save the stock files. Is there a way to revert back to stock? I'm still having issues where the GWM won't update even though I'm getting the USB update successful message. I'm thinking maybe the...
Any tips on how to get past the GWM update. I go through the update process and even the USB update says complete on my radio screen but never clears on Fords side.
My GWM number is ML3T-14H021-EAJ Also my sync version is at 21223 REV 197
My vin is 1FTEW1E86MFC76534 if someone can check to see if it shows any other update other than the GWM because that's all it's showing on my side.
Just an update. I just got my Mongoose Plus cable in and was able to recover the "bricked" CCM from using the VX Nano. Now I'm onto programming the IPMA and PSCM.
For those that had the failed CCM using the Nano and got the Mongoose cable afterwards. Did you have success on updating the CCM with the mongoose cable?
Those that had the CCM fail using the Nano, when it tried updating did the ignition turn off by itself when it starts doing the Block 1 of 2 erase process cause that's what mine is doing.
I'm using the VX Nano tried updating the CCM and now it's purple. Is there anyway to recover it using the Nano? I have a mongoose cable ordered just in case.