I cannot say with certainty but at least some of my updates happened off of WiFi. At least one came in while I was traveling away from home and I often park outside the range of my home router. Also, I have not done the 12v reboot dance in months.
My point, if there is one, is that I have...
For perspective, I got in February of 2024. At that point it had been out since (I think) April of 2023 so ten months behind.
I did not get another update until December of 2024. think I was 18+ months behind the initial release. A day later I got 6.8.0. Since then it has been a...
I have not touched it since I started this thread, My next step (unless someone posts a better idea) is to delete / reset the PAAK on my phone an keep my fingers crossed. In the past I have found that is more trouble than it's worth so I may just live without a passcode. It's proven unreliable...
Curious if others have seen this. Yesterday I managed to leave the house without my FOB (just forgot it somehow). PAAK just worked like it should so I did not notice my FOB was missing. On the return trip I got "No Key Detected" despite the ford app running and connecting through Android Auto...
It's an interesting thought, and I know there used to be (and probably still are) limits around charge for the Low Voltage System but I would be surprised if you need to be at 90% on the HVB. Many folks primarily charge away from home (my office has chargers) so we will rarely be at 90% when...
See my previous comment. Mine said there were no updates for 18 months. I knew that had to be wrong but I had given up on going the rounds with Ford. I've said similar things elsewhere on this forum but basically, while I love my truck, when it comes to the software rollouts I would not trust...
I just got 6.8.0 this month. Every time I called Ford or went to the dealer they said I just need to be patient. Then finally while doing some regular maintenance they broke my heating and in the process of troubleshooting that they noticed my gateway was too far out of date to connect (or...
I live in Utah, up a canyon. We get snow, lots of snow.
I park outside and mostly use the "portable" charger on a beefy 220 extension cord.
My opinion is, it's a truck, it can handle being left out in the cold.
I have to replace one (we had a whoopsie). Posted elsewhere on this site. Price sounds about what we paid. It annoyed me, but with all the integrated electronics it is what it is. That's the tax for wanting the cool toys.
This is Fords Achilles heal. They will claim that dealers are independent and they have no control, so sorry your experience is off. I call BS. If McDonalds can provide quality oversight of their franchisees then so can Ford. I cannot walk into a Ford dealer and buy a new Honda so let's stop...
Nope. Don't get me wrong. I love the truck, It's fun to drive and practical for around town and interstate trips. That said between the poor service / communication from Ford, having to give up on software updates (been over a year and a half for me and Ford and the dealers just point fingers at...
FWIW I got my NACS this week and tested it. I have not received the SC update so I had to use the Tesla App. Took the usual figuring things out for a first time but nothing terrible. Beyond that it worked a lot like using EA without BlueOval.
The biggest issue (as others have stated) is that...
I tell everyone that asks this question that it has fantastic engineering and build quality with terrible support. I am over a year behind on software updates and Ford takes months to do things that should be basic (like shipping charger adapters). Ford points the finger at dealers and dealers...
It's listed on the software update screen. Mine is "Ford Power update"
I can send you a photo if that helps. I've been on that version for well over a year and when this thread went quiet I started to think I might be last in line. Turns out I'm (still) in good company.