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Search results

  1. Miserable Ford Parts experience rant

    Except he purchased them with Ford points, not a credit card...🙄
  2. What’s wrong with this picture?

    I see no picture... thats what's wrong.
  3. This truck is just plain embarassing

    Hell, id vote for ya. I like your ideas.
  4. Warning: Cyber Cringe ahead

    Whistlin Diesel. Yes. He mangled that thing. As he does to lots of stuff. Kind of like an asshole. These kids and their influencer money.. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Warning: Cyber Cringe ahead

    I'd pay $2.00 to see someone launch an RPG at the Cybertrash to see how bulletproof it really is.
  6. Retrofit Smart Hitch/Onboard Scales to MY23?

    I was bummed to have them deleted, but quickly got over it when I really thought about it and realized the only time I'd use it was to show friends. Or the once in a blue moon: "wow much does that weigh??"
  7. Front Hitch Installed on Lightning - Good news

    Sure, but when you add "bike rack carrying, surf fishing gear hauling, and all the rest", as op suggests, you will lost those, and have to turn off front sensors at each start. Bluecruise not available either? Maybe? Dunno..
  8. Front Hitch Installed on Lightning - Good news

    Add any of the accessories the OP spoke of, and therein lies the issue.
  9. Front Hitch Installed on Lightning - Good news

    Looks quite skookum! However it will/can impede front sensors and cameras. I'm sure you've found this thusfar.
  10. I’ve just about had it…

    There are software updates for sensors. I had it done. Works 99% better now. I had a front sensor that was nutty, software update fixed it 99% of the time. Took 2 hours.
  11. BCM Updates, APIM Updates and Walk Away Lock Feature

    Can anyone here show me they have auto lock on walk away, in their Lightning? Anyone?
  12. BCM Updates, APIM Updates and Walk Away Lock Feature

    Show me an F-150 Lightning screen with this option, and I'll take it back. Not Fordpass for an unnamed vehicle. Until then, I'll say I haven't seen it confirmed yet.
  13. BCM Updates, APIM Updates and Walk Away Lock Feature

    Are we sure that's on a lightning? I haven't heard one person speak of this, other than wishes....
  14. BCM Updates, APIM Updates and Walk Away Lock Feature

    I'd like to see one picture of this, because I've not heard of it prior. I'm thinking this is disinformation.
  15. Los Angeles to Mammoth Lakes

    West LA (Marina del Rey) here.. I've done Marina to mammoth stopping in Coso Junction and Bishop on the way up, and coso and I think Mojave on the way home. All EA chargers. Didn't have tesla access yet. Plugged into our VRBO 120v and got a whopping 1% an hour while we skiied.
  16. What is this secret door?

    You put your weed in there...
  17. fixed that grille

    My hope is that software is being looked at seriously as well. It would be hard to believe that they don't notice/ hear the same sentiment from everyone.
  18. fixed that grille

    Btw.... i think the 24 has a slightly different grille...
