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  1. Surprise After Vacation! Yellow Wrench

    I went to Mi for a week, came back and now have this warning! Wonder if correlated to not driving for a week? coincidence or not? never a dull moment with F150! no I canā€™t charge past 170 miles and need to go to dealer (again!).
  2. Nav stuck in km bug (and workaround)

    Surprise Day! today I spent several hours on the phone today with multiple Ford customer experience teams. At the end of the day I was asked to call the Ford Pass team again to solve my vehicle connectivity GW issueā€¦. But i ran out of timeā€¦. However at the end of the day my Ford pass app...
  3. Nav and no sound -

    Does Ford recommend a fix to attached? Can dealer update vs OTA?
  4. Nav and no sound -

    Here is my current manual work around 1. Stop truck 2. Shut off 3. Open Door 4. Close door 5. Power on 6. Sound works with Nav! lol what fun for a very expensive vehicle, from customer experience perspective, not very good. Hope to continue to troubleshoot with Ford vehicle...
  5. Nav and no sound -

    Thanks how do I reboot ā€œgWMā€ and what is that?
  6. Nav and no sound -

    Thank you Ford! Attached is VIN. My Nav issue has been going on for almost a year.
  7. Nav and no sound -

    Thanks. Iā€™ll try. On the app I deleted and reloaded last week and I was on with ford app team. They even took my VIN and said they might need to make manual update after new app is released
  8. Nav and no sound -

    I went to the dealer today for my 10k mile service. I also asked them to look at my Nav. When I first start vehicle and use Nav and hit go I am no longer able to adjust sound for radio or phone then 10 min later it plays every turn I made and then I can adjust sound normally. Today dealer...
  9. Red battery warning light?

    Only the other message in the pic! I just reboot of screen from steering wheel and it self corrected!
  10. Red battery warning light?

    Does anyone know why this red light on bottom right and warning go on. I canā€™t start my (very expensive). truck and even back it in garage! Very frustrating!
  11. 240V charger blowing breaker

    Good to know thanks. I only use the mobile charger give. I canā€™t upgrade my service to the house. Much appreciated.
  12. Charge Assist Button Error?

    Got mine to work after soft reboot of sync with Ford. Thenā€¦. The error came back and now my screen is just blank with no error. Time to call Ford again
  13. 240V charger blowing breaker

    Ok. Here is the update.. 1. I spent time with Ford today to troubleshoot the SW issue I was having with my charge assist app button not working. 2. Did soft reboot of vehicle and it did not immediately fix the SW error issue 3. As I was pulling into the garage it worked for a second see...
  14. Charge Assist Button Error?

    Correction, now back to error message again. But whatever reset happened it did fix the charging issue I had with tripping my breaker.
  15. Charge Assist Button Error?

    I called ford and after talking to multiple organizations the ā€œin vehicle electric groupā€ did a couple hard reboots on my system and it worked!!! Magic!
  16. Charge Assist Button Error?

    Thanks to all. Looks like Iā€™m not alone in this problem!! Sounds like I need to call Ford back again and hope they can solve. Today I spent 30 min and they finally directed me to a number at electrify America. lol! What a mess
  17. Charge Assist Button Error?

    Has anyone ever seen this after clicking on ā€œcharge assistā€ button in apps ? This is the 1st time Iā€™ve tried to use this button and function and ford canā€™t help meā€¦.
  18. 240V charger blowing breaker

    Thanks All! I have a 100 amp main breaker with 70 amp service. running into the house my 240 v breaker is 50 amp and Iā€™m using the Ford charger provided. I have never had an issue until yesterday and have called an electrician to come out as well.
  19. 240V charger blowing breaker

    I have been charging my f150 at home on a 240v charger for 1 year and never a problem. yesterday I used a DC fast charging station for the 1st time ever. now when at home my 240 charger is blowing my breaker in 5 min is there any coincidence that this is now happening after I used DC for 1st...
