
Search results

  1. Got My First Thumbs Down [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    You will be hearing from my attorneys, they're always looking for a better client than me 🤑 I actually got back onto this thread after getting a big thumbs up yesterday, probably due to my tailgate ...
  2. Got My First Thumbs Down [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    We shall it call it Rolling Soap®
  3. Got My First Thumbs Down [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    and then there's troublemakers like me that consider leaning into silliness like this EXTRA ... so you can get the silly pretend exhaust that makes vroom vroom noises, how about instead it does circus music ? possibly a fog machine churning out rainbow colored fog ? or even better a soap bubbles !
  4. EV Batteries Can Outlast A Vehicle’s Lifetime With Minimal Degradation, Study Finds

    Or perhaps don't go to the dealer, there are battery rebuilders popping up in the tesla world and elsewhere.
  5. Is Anybody Happy With Their Lightning?

    Just over three months in, still tickled fucking pink, period:inlove: I have noticed however, that I have developed a habit that some people may find wildly obnoxious ... I get annoyed now when the price of gas goes down :devil: which really is unnecessarily evil LOL
  6. DATA THREAD: Post your tow and efficiency!

    You gotta convert that into cheeseburgers per freedom eagle around here !
  7. Custom electric graphic for the 21st Century truck

    Finally, solder pads that I can see without bifocals, excellent.
  8. CyberTruck Fires begin

    Practice Practice Practice !
  9. This truck is just plain embarassing

    None you gigantic freak 🏃‍♂️ I'll be running away now ;-P
  10. This truck is just plain embarassing

    Oh come on, you think you get to dodge the challenging issue ? Chickenshit. What is stance re pineapple on pizza ?
  11. This truck is just plain embarassing

    Law and order baby ! :cwl: Don't do the crime unless you can outrun ... the million cameras on your every move in the modern world
  12. This truck is just plain embarassing

    The truck has PMS, I swear, it is retaining water
  13. This truck is just plain embarassing

    I can't be the only one that forgets and leans against the license plate when accessing the frunk after a rain
  14. Got some custom decal work done

    god damn supply chain shortages, now we're outa flames as well I see
  15. Cost to fill up your Lightning?

    Ha you wanna talk casino pricing, BC Hydro recently came out with a 5¢ discount for offpeak 11PM->8AM use BUT you are then committed to a 5¢ surcharge from 4PM->9PM ... are you sure you want the AC on ? Cooking a meal come on ! Laundry ? Are you INSANE ? :devil: My price for 131kWh comes to...
  16. Battery Issue - 2024 vs the rest

    🤷‍♂️ well I don't see as many lightnings beside the road as I do volkswagens and kias so I roll on :crazy:
  17. MESH grill with ORACLE LED "LIGHTNING" text

    EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! That sh1T is gonna be full of bugs and adding 100 pounds of revolting weight in time 🤮
  18. Pics of Lightning Trucks Doing Truck Things. Post Yours! 📸

    Got up the mountain, get the network back to happy and got down before dark, a successful mission ! Used 5% charge going up ... regen made 3% on the way down :clap:
  19. De-chrome the interior

    three words: matt black wrap
  20. DCFC Hacking

    good luck with your installation
